About Me

I was born in Toledo Ohio, which really directed my life into Art. When young I attended the Saturday classes at the Toledo Art Museum and always wanted to be an Art Teacher. Later in my teaching life I returned to the Museum to teach Saturday, Children’s classes, as well as Adult evening classes in various crafts. Also summer teacher workshops in Creativity in the Classroom. I completed a Master’s Degree and a Specialist’s Degree in Art Education Programming while teaching in Toledo area schools.

During summers on beautiful Lake Leelanau in Michigan, I took any art class that was offered by well known artists who visited that area. My husband and I also took many classes at Arrowmont in Gatlinburg, Tenn. In 1972 we opened an Art Gallery in Sylvania, Ohio and carried local artists work, as well as doing framing. At the time this was a first for the area. After retiring with 32 years of Public School teaching, we moved our gallery “Americana Collection” to a location in Leland and Downtown Traverse City Michigan. After approximately 11 years with these two galleries, they were sold, so we were retired or recycled again.

During the ensuing 20 years of retirement, we have enjoyed spending winters on Maui, Hawaii, taking advantage of a wonderful art center at the old Baldwin Estate, Up Country, Maui. There I continued to take classes in wheel throwing, sculpture, watercolor painting, and printmaking . I love the marvelous foilage, and have used those for designs in much of my work.

Now spending Winters in Texas and summers in Traverse City, Michigan, I use the trees, and foilage around us as inspiration for my art work.

I have taught classes in the past in watercolor, wheel throwing, paper making and fused glass. However, I have decided to concentrate on creating my own work, and have changed the teaching studios in Traverse City, into show rooms. My work may also be seen in various shows as listed in this blog, and also shown on my ETSY shop site, www.etsy.com/shop/Donnasartyparty. Click to see what I have to offer there. I hope to add more art in the future to this Blogspot too..

I also have written and just published "Now This Is Art!", a book for art teachers, classroom teachers, and parents of home schooled youngsters, as a way of introducing painting for children. Many of the suggestions would carry over to any age that wishes to paint. http://www.nowthisisart.com/ is the website the publishers have designed for me. My book is also offered on ETSY, at Donnasartyparty.

August 2, 3, and 4th, Summer of 2013, I had a one person show at the Old Art Building in Leland, Michigan. Where I showed much work never shown before, mingled with some of our Antiques as we are downsizing our home. Paintings, ceramics, fused glass, prints, all were offered at great prices. We had a great show and sold a lot. The few boxes of items left were moved back to our studio and set up for further weekend sales.



This Pi Beta Phi, national Greek Sorority pendant is an example of designs for sale on my Etsy shop site, SORORITYJEWELRY@Etsy.com These pendants are available in either gold plated or silver plated versions. There are 22 National Sorority groups represented thus far, with some having two styles to choose from. I also have three designs enlarged and made into key chains, for the Pi Beta Phi, Alpha Chi Omega, and the Alpha Delta Pi, groups.

I offer a quantity price for those groups of new intitiates, contact me at dcjart2@suddenlink.net or dcjart2@charter.net

Order in time for Rush and the new group of initiates.

To view the full line of my products visit my ETSY shop www.etsy.com/shop/SORORITYJEWELRY - (follow link under Websites on the right of this page).

Also check out www/Donnasartyparty@Etsy.com for some of my original art projects as well as some collectibles and teaching samples I will offer from time to time.


My painting, "FROM THE COVE DECK", a watercolor of the Leland River, and the Fishtown buildings as seen while having a sandwich at the Cove, was included in the Art Leelanau show. to benefit the Old Art Building in Leland and was sold. I have many other paintings of Leland and the beautiful Leelanau Peninsula available at my Studio.

On August 2, 2013, I had my last show to carry my art to another venue.. From now on we will work in the studio and hopefully will have visitors come there to see our new work. We are getting to old to pack and carry...but creating is a part of our being... so that will go on hopefully for years to come.


END OF THE ROAD STUDIO will be OPEN ..June 2014
Call 231-947-3081

Friday, June 14, 2013

Saturday, August 25, 2012


"NOW THIS IS ART!",  a book suggesting a teaching approach for painting with children, teen agers and even adults has been written by Donna and is available either from the author at her Studio, or at Horizon Book Store in downtown Traverse City, Michigan.   This is a simple idea that Donna has used during her 32 years of teaching to carry a painting class into the classroom, with the result of great creative paintings from elementary and Junior High school youngsters.   This also would be a good book for parents who are home schooling their youngsters and offers many suggestions for projects in painting.  

Saturday, June 19, 2010


End of the Road Studio will be  getting ready for our REALLY BIG SHOW  in Leland at the Old Art Building, so the studio is in disarray... But in September  Call 231-947-3081 and stop out to see what is going on in the studios.   Before that the studio will be busy getting ready for the REALLY BIG SHOW of Donna's work.   A show of approximately 60 years of art work, most never shown before will be included along with  Ceramics- hand built and wheel thrown, watercolors, acrylics, a variety of printing techniques, enamels and fused  glass pieces  and  most recently  her newly designed, original hand dyed silk scarves,  all will be offered at the August 2-4, Show in Leland at the Old Art Building.

   While preparing for the August show,  the Ceramic studio will be open for any passer bys to drop in and see the activity. Donna will also have her space in which to work in that area. Across the drive is the Painting Studio, which will have some paintings, and a few of Chuck's popular Cherry Crosses, but mainly the fused glass jewelry and glass pieces will be on exhibit and for sale in that area.  . Half of this room will be the Johnston's work area with their glass kiln in operation when they are not busy with show preparations.

  We welcome appointments if you wish to visit the studio by calling 231-947-3081 ... End of the Road Studio
7200 S. Shugart Rd., Traverse City, Michigan 49684